
International community sets new ambition for hydropower to enable sustainable growth

The Bali Statement on 推动可持续增长 – released today at the World Hydropower 美国国会2023年 in Bali, Indonesia – states that sustainable hydropower must be the backbone of national strategies to build thriving, 低碳经济由清洁能源支撑, 可再生能源.

作为世界上最大的可再生能源发电和储存来源, hydropower has underpinned industrial development in many of the world’s most advanced economies, 同时加强水资源管理. Most of the untapped hydropower potential that remains today is in developing regions and this is w在这里 the Bali Statement urges for more changes and investments to take place.

“工业革命是由水驱动的. 水、风和太阳将共同为未来的可持续贝博足彩app下载提供动力.”

这是《贝博足彩》传递的核心信息, 在公开谘询后会怎样, has provided four recommendations to policymakers to ensure this necessary collaboration can take place:

1. 规划未来的能源需求. 随着更多可变的可再生能源如风能和太阳能的使用, 决策者必须在必要时跨界合作, to identify the most optimal overall mix of low carbon 可再生能源 technologies to enable sustainable development.

2. Incentivising sustainable hydropower development through financial and market-based mechanisms. 实现《贝博足彩》目标和联合国可持续贝博足彩app下载目标, the IEA estimates that investment in hydropower needs to double to $100 billion a year, 同时必须保留和加强现有的资产. To make this happen, hydropower must be on a level playing field with other renewables. Decision-makers should implement appropriate market frameworks to incentivise and de-risk new hydropower investment and modernisation activities in order to meet climate targets, 包括水电项目提供的非能源服务报酬.

3. Accelerating the development of renewables through transparent and efficient permitting and licensing processes. Hydropower planning and approval processes typically take more than five years before new projects and substantive modernisation activities can even begin construction. 与此同时,默认的选择往往是依赖化石燃料. This licensing process must be accelerated by improving the efficiency of these processes w在这里ver possible without compromising sustainability.

4. Incorporating hydropower sustainability practices into government regulation and financial sector obligations. 加快贝博足彩app下载不是走捷径. 应用最佳可持续贝博足彩app下载实践, built and governed through multi-stakeholder consensus such as the Hydropower 可持续性 Standard, should be either integrated into regulatory frameworks or referred to as a preferred tool to maximise the benefits of projects and mitigate any negative impacts.

The Bali Statement on 推动可持续增长 follows on from the global hydropower community’s reaffirmed commitment to the sustainable development of projects through both the adoption of the San José Declaration on Sustainable Hydropower and uptake of the Hydropower 可持续性 Standard.

完整的声明可以下载 在这里.


“实现净零排放并不是‘让世界停下来,我想下车’。. 在增长和减排之间不需要权衡取舍. 国家, like Indonesia and mine – Australia – whose industries have been heavily reliant on coal, 能有一条清晰的持续增长之路吗. The Bali Statement on 推动可持续增长 sets out what this Congress sees as priorities for how to go about that. What the Statement makes clear is that the energy transition will not be possible without sustainable hydropower as the backbone of future energy systems,——马尔科姆·特恩布尔, 宫内厅的总统.

“Canada is supportive of the Bali Statement on 推动可持续增长 and its recommendations to incentivise hydropower development, accelerate the development of renewables and embed hydropower sustainability practices in government regulation” – Catherine Stewart, 加拿大气候变化大使

贝博足彩很自豪地支持《贝博足彩》及其四项建议, as we believe they represent the strategic path to promote sustainable growth” – Rosy Ruiz, 行政会议主席, Generación多米尼加共和国(EGEHID).

“The 所罗门群岛 is in support of the Bali Statement on 推动可持续增长.——克里斯托弗·维赫, 矿业部常务秘书长, 能源和农村电气化, 所罗门群岛.

“The Bali Statement on 推动可持续增长 calls for hydropower to form the backbone of national strategies. 建设以清洁、可再生能源为主导的繁荣、低碳经济. Its key recommendations include future energy planning; incentivising and accelerating sustainable hydropower developments, as well as embedding hydropower sustainability practices into government and financial sector regulations. All of this is particularly relevant to encourage continued investment in renewable hydropower,——Sharbini Suhaili, 首席执行官, 沙捞越能源.

“By mainstreaming environmental and social sustainability across AIIB-financed 水电专业jects, we will contribute to enhanced asset quality and the maximisation of hydropower benefits, 哪些是《贝博足彩》所强调的.——亚洲基础设施开发银行副行长丹尼·亚历山大.

“We have an opportunity for hydropower to set a new standard for sustainable growth, 如巴厘声明所述.——Gia Schneider, Natel能源公司首席执行官

“The Bali Statement sends a clear message to governments and financial leaders around the world that hydropower must be a part of the solution to grow economies sustainably while decarbonising our industries and ensuring we stay on track with global climate goals.——Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, 新可再生能源及节能署署长, 能源和矿产资源部, 印度尼西亚政府.
